Yellow Facebook Features

Welcome to International Bakwas! Recently we found  a NEW Facebook! Find out, what are the features & when will you able to use them. ...

Welcome to International Bakwas!

Recently we found  a NEW Facebook!
Find out, what are the features & when will you able to use them.

Mark Zuckerberg & FB just introduced the yellow version of Facebook,
It seems like a dream app for all the Facebookers.
The features are haven't been made public yet, this Facebook 'employees only' app was showcased during a live telecast by the CEO recently.

Zuckerberg calls it the “yellow version of the Facebook app", which is their internal build & can be launched with a different name. The yellow version has features like slideshow, GIFs and music.

How do they come into play on Facebook?

It's very simple!
All you have to do is click on "What's on your mind?" & a new menu pops up which would let you choose between these 3 options with  text post. The app also had some other features which might be available for the iOS version of the app.

As soon after successful testing, FB will roll out these features for public.
However, not all features would be available to use as some might not make the final cut. Facebook has been working on the GIFs and music feature from a long time & it's interesting to use as it will give a new  look & experience too all users but there is no official word as to when they would be available for public use.

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