7 Signs That You Are Addicted To A TV Show!

There is a fine line between loving a TV show and  living  a TV show.  You know you are living it if you have no desire whatsoever to do a...

There is a fine line between loving a TV show and living a TV show. You know you are living it if you have no desire whatsoever to do anything other than watch your favourite TV show all day.Here are 7 other signs to check if you’re addicted to an idiot box daily…

1. You are perpetually curious about the next episode

2. When no new episodes have been released, you go through the old ones. You could literally do this all day!

3. You love anything related to your favourite TV shows – like memes, behind the scene videos and bloopers. Addicted much?

4. You love making friends with like-minded people, which basically means those people who love the same TV shows as you. And those who don’t? Well…

5. When you hear the theme song of the shows…

6. You unknowingly compare your favourite TV show characters to people around you

7. You keep quoting your favourite TV shows to express yourself

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